All right most people are usually asking  what  are the most promising cryptocurrencies  that i can invest in right now  and a lot of people give you the  runaround well i'm going to give you  some information on my top five most  promising cryptocurrencies at the  current moment  now in upcoming videos we will teach you  exactly what you need to know to choose  them for yourself  unlike how most investors love to just  tell you invest in this without fully  explaining  let's dive in and look at number one  the top coin that i have on my list is  the sandbox  now the token exchange rate is now  around four dollars and has every chance  to grow  many times as soon as a new bull run  begins on the crypto market  the cost of plots in the sandbox is  growing  dynamically and is already competing  with the centuryland  now the sandbox is one of the fastest  growing projects in the metaverse  direction  though which brands such as atari adidas  and others have already entered that  market  number  two decentraland  the cost of decentraland is at a low  level around three dollars especially  after the correction in the market  plots in the metaverse are especially  popular among real estate agencies in  the united states which have seen the  prospects in this direction and are  actively buying them now decentraland is  another representative of metaverse  direction and one of the oldest projects  in the crypto market  now with a good reputation  of course now decentraland was a  miniverse before it became mainstream  number three  one inch  the cost of the token is only a dollar  and eighty cents which is very cheap and  opens up prospects for more dynamic  growth now recently one inch  introduced a spot price aggregator  now the solution allows you to  immediately displace tokens  as well as in the interfaces of websites  and applications so you're going to be  able to display those tokens quotes in  those interfaces and websites  now one inch is a liquidity aggregator a  leader in his field and one of the most  promising and dynamically developing  projects  in the market today  number four uniswap  the cost of unit swap token is 11 bucks  an analysis at the crypto  exchange called this a very low level  giving that the token was worth 45  dollars in may 21.  now uni swap is the leader among  decentralized crypto exchanges in terms  of trading volumes  the last one that we have for today is  polygon sitting at number five  now there is pi there is a possibility  that polygon will compete with top  projects and will break into the top  five in terms of capitalization in the  near future  pointing out that the price of the token  is at a low level  but it does have a steady upward trend  and polygon is one of the most high  profile projects in the crypto market  having raised 450 million from venture  capital giant sequoia capital now i do  invest in potential future giants and  polygon was not chosen by chance  check these out for yourself definitely  do your own research look into them  these are my top five for the next  really big coins that can kind of come  in  and be sure to subscribe like drop a  comment hit the bell for your latest  updates because we will be going in and  helping you learn to pick the next top  coins that will really bring in the buck .