Welcome back guys for the ethereum price  today as we see the world tension build  up geopolitical tensions we're seeing  what's going on with russia and ukraine  at the moment how it's having a big  impact across markets when we were  trading at around 2700 when i made this  video yesterday trap warning before you  buy or sell you must watch this chart  and this is what we were showing in the  chart if you missed it here was the two  second clip  however guys this is a triangulation and  this is a descending channel so bear in  mind this triangle could indeed break to  the downside and the target we would be  looking at here would be 2 400 but  likely and more likely we would fall  back into this parallel channel so there  you go guys four hundred dollars we  actually uh have come down all the way  down to two thousand two hundred and  ninety four dollars and we actually met  the bottom of this parallel channel as  we predicted guys if you took that trade  guys obviously i give my real-time trade  signals you can see here  over on telegram congratulations if you  took that trade link is in the video  description below for my trade signals  guys without any further delay let's get  into the price action for today a super  important day to see what the prices are  doing as i mentioned there's a lot going  on politically uh in the economy as well  with high interest rates uh money  stimulus we need to see how this is  affecting crypto prices not just today  not just this week but going out through  the rest of the year very very  interesting times so as we look at this  chart together uh for the ethereum price  we can see that we crossed the daily and  we've crossed the weekly uh levels so we  basically broke a very key significant  support which was two thousand five  hundred and forty dollars we now  actually have a new daily level on this  daily chart that we can consider and the  bad news is for the balls um for the  bears we've actually penetrated that  level as well but this can now uh  potentially act as resistance and this  is a significant level which is two  thousand four hundred and twenty dollars  you can see how we had a red uh body of  a candle green that is a daily level you  can see it um actually corresponds with  quite a lot of price action now that is  inevitably going to act as resistance so  anything in terms of value right now is  more so shorting to the downside  do bear in mind however we've got our  key monthly support at two thousand two  hundred and eighty dollars but  if you go into my other chart which is  my trend line chart  by zooming out i'll show you a bit of a  clearer idea of what this is this  basically maps out the weekly and  monthly and some of the daily trend  lines and you can see there's not much  in the way for us now to fall all the  way down to potentially as low as  seventeen hundred dollars on this chart  the weekly level uh we have here is  about 1884  we did fail to create a higher high uh  in bitcoin and ethereum going back uh on  the 10th of february as well where we  got rejected at 3  275. so the big question right now is  guys  can we withstand this big uh downward  price action that's inevitably gonna  continue i believe i am expecting prices  anywhere between 1600 and 1900 in the  very very short term guys in terms of a  trade right now uh the one that i would  be looking to put on here a short  position i would potentially be looking  to target uh down at around uh 1900  reason being if you look at this  ethereum chart my monthly level uh sorry  not the monthly level but the weekly  which is a very strong level if i show  you on the weekly chart here the reason  why it's so significant is because the  monthly actually has already been  penetrated uh here and on the way back  down the weekly has not and it also  corresponds with some previous  resistance here as well so i do believe  1900 is the target uh short to medium  term and in terms of a a stop loss  you can keep this very tight you can  keep your stop-loss above this weekly  level uh or even above this daily level  above two thousand four hundred dollars  and you can short it down so you could  set a stop loss here and of course guys  this is just going with what's value  this isn't a guarantee of making money  trading doesn't ever guarantee uh you  can only use the correct risk to reward  ratio so you win more than you don't and  you you become profitable but i would  set my stop-loss maybe just above  uh maybe  2460 somewhere of that i would target  down at around  uh let's say around the 1900 level and  you're getting a very nice risk to  reward ratio of 5.25 guys the kind of uh  trade uh this is the kind of trade that  you want to look out for and if you want  to take advantage guys using this link  in the description below three and a  half thousand dollars in crypto for free  over on buyback by far the best crypto  trading platform you can trade metaverse  ethereum bitcoin you can trade uh nfts  by fi uh you can trade spot for  extremely low fees much cheaper than  binance or coinbase it's almost free  essentially so that's where i trade guys  and remember you can get my real-time  trade signals as as well where i post on  telegram so in terms of what we're  seeing right now for the ethereum price  bearish let's take a very quick look at  the ethereum price as well i'm gonna  load my bit uh the bitcoin price we're  going to load my bitcoin chart up i want  to see exactly what's going on here  because for the bitcoin price is very  interesting right now this head and  shoulders pattern broke to the downside  let's get rid of that and we can adjust  our levels to see what's going on so  currently speaking we are being  supported by the monthly level uh  however on the weekly excuse me on the  daily we do have a new daily resistance  that came in at 37 000 as well so what  we're currently seeing is more likely  movements to the weekly level which is  down at about 31 800  we actually broke and whipped into the  monthly level and of course that monthly  level has already been broken here with  this wick and on the downside as well so  the next target for me on bitcoin is  about 31 800  looking pretty bearish very unstable  right now  in addition to crypto obviously it's  good to start dollar costing averaging  in at these lower prices  i'm very bullish and very happy that  these prices low but i'm also  topping up my positions on gold you can  see gold having an inverse effect on  what's going on in the economy right now  we're seeing only in the last  24 hours a huge pump in gold 3.4 percent  that's big for gold in the last week uh  about four percent obviously political  instability economic unstability  instability is going to fuel into the  gold prices so i would hedge your bets  right now diversify and of course guys  uh dollar cost average into crypto you  can short the market in the meantime  buybit is the best place to do that my  recommended crypto trading platform  don't forget guys uh you can also check  out um the vpn as well if you've gone to  my uh real time trade signals there is a  vpn link if you need one for trading  thank you for joining me guys make sure  to smash the like button make sure to  subscribe turn that bell on and i'll see  you later for another video peace out .