Cryptocurrencies made a lot of money in  the past year dogecoin became a  household name bitcoin continued to  shine and break records hitting the  all-time high of 68 thousand dollars in  november companies bought into this  crypto craze even the country el  salvador adopted bitcoin as its national  currency the first country to designate  bitcoin as legal tenders and of course  nfts became insanely popular digital  assets can 2022 be an even crazier year  for cryptocurrencies it's been rough so  far but only time will tell so in  today's video i'm going over five top  cryptocurrencies to buy at the start of  2022. there are hundreds of coins out  there but i've done the research and  this is my list of the best coins to  look into i'll go over the numbers and  use surrounding each coin so that you  can make an informed decision let's get  started so the first cryptocurrency we  are talking about today is tara aka luna  terra is an open source blockchain  platform that serves as the foundation  for a defy ecosystem that produces  algorithmic stable coins to put it more  simply tara's mission is to make sure  that cryptocurrency transactions are  fast and secure while also countering  the inherent volatility that comes with  most cryptocurrencies that aren't backed  by fiat currency tara is backed by the  luna token so if you take a look at coin  market cap right now you can see that  tara is rated nine based on market cap  their current price is 70.77  which is actually down almost 11  in the last 24 hours right now their  current market cap is  25.462 billion dollars we have trading  volume in the last 24 hours of about 3.3  billion dollars which is up 30 and yeah  you can see that in the last day the  price has actually gone down quite a bit  if we zoom out to the three month you  can see that uh luna's actually trading  at around 40 per coin just about  three months ago  we saw a very big increase in price back  in the end of november and december  followed by a smaller correction here in  december and in the latter half of  december we saw a huge rally in the  price for luna going all the way up to  about 100  per coin and yeah since then we have  seen a pretty big correction price of  about 30 percent its market dominance is  one point two eight percent and you have  to go to the ratings you can see that  right now the token insight rating is  bbb so according to tears white paper  the project runs on a proof-of-stake  model which is beneficial for one main  reason because validators validate  transactions based on the number of  coins they hold which reduces  computational power this means that  there is less of an environmental impact  so yeah it seems like tara already seems  to be caught up in the new wave of  greener infrastructures now back in  october tara announced through proposal  44 that's getting ready to burn about 90  million tokens sometime in the near  future and for those of you who might  not know the purpose of burning tokens  is to diminish the supply of tokens  which increases the scarcity and boosts  the value of each token upwards tara  like all other decentralized projects  analysis proposal once it received  community approval reflecting the  fundamental value of decentralized  finance to me this decision is building  up towards the larger picture for terra  and that is ensuring the stability of  prices for cryptocurrencies a crypto  like bitcoin for example is insanely  volatile potentially fluctuating by 10  within a single day and if you really  want to see a future where decentralized  finance and cryptocurrencies are the  norm we're going to need digital assets  that are much more stable in value hence  the term stable coins so although stable  coins have yet to be fully implemented i  see them as the next challenge in the  crypto space and tara is by far and away  the likeliest leader in stable coin  production currently being the ninth  largest crypto project by market cap so  yeah that's why terror is more than just  a top crypto for the year for me tara  and luna token will likely be the  premier stablecoin project for the next  few years to a decade and i highly  encourage you to at least keep an eye on  this one for a long time all right so  the second cryptocurrency we are talking  about today is avalanche avalanche is  the fastest smart contracts platform in  the crypto space especially in regards  to time to finality increasing in value  from three dollars to nearly 150 dollars  within less than a year avalanche is  definitely one of the biggest  competitors to ethereum and avalanche's  native token is avax the current price  for onecoin is  and 20 cents which is down about seven  percent in the last 24 hours we have a  total market cap of about 21.5 billion  dollars and the trading volume in the  last 24 hours is 1.15 billion dollars  here's the price chart for the last day  you can see that we did see a pretty big  drop in price and if you go out to the  one month chart we can see that it's  been quite volatile um about one month  ago we were at about 90 per coin it went  up significantly to about 125 and since  then it's really gone down in price but  yeah if we zoom out to the one-year  chart you can see just how much uh  avalanche has grown in the last year we  saw lows of you know just about ten  dollars per coin and you can see that  exactly one year ago we were well under  ten dollars per coin so pretty amazing  growth but we did see this big  correction uh in the recent weeks if we  look at the symmetry score we can see  that they are rated a b and the token  insight rating right now is a b as well  okay so to start off avalanche is one of  the fastest and cheapest smart contracts  platforms in the market the network can  process over 6 500 transactions per  second reach a transaction finality in  less than two seconds and has pretty  reasonable transaction fees the network  runs on a proof-of-stake model which  once again is a little bit more  environmentally friendly than a  proof-of-work model and what's most  advantageous for avalanche is the  network's ability to produce subnets or  custom blockchains we'll get into why  this is such an amazing development for  the project in a bit but yeah back in  fall of 2021 avalanche experienced an  insane rally which was mostly the result  of its announced partnership with  multinational consulting giant deloitte  they basically said that they were going  to work with the federal emergency  management agency or fema and creating  better disaster relief programs although  this has probably been the only massive  update for avalanche thus far the fact  that avalanche is such a young crypto  and is already collaborating with large  agencies to tackle serious issues should  be considered to be a strong case for  its credibility and capability and i  actually think it isn't too soon to  discuss the high use case for avalanche  and how we may see the network involve  itself in almost anything decentralized  to start off the network is able to  support three blockchains in one with an  x chain or exchange chain a p chain or  platform chain and a c chain or contract  chain this feature shows the network's  ability to compartmentalize its many  functions and is almost at easier for  its more significant ability to build  subnets pretty much avalanche grants  users the ability to build subnets or  custom blockchains on its network now  this can and most likely will be  critical for the success of  decentralized gaming network  consolidation and most importantly the  development of the metaverse if we look  at decentralized gaming which is already  becoming one of the trending topics and  spaces in the crypto world games will  always bring in a lot of traffic and  most if not all crypto networks can only  handle so many users before they slow or  even shut down now with avalanche users  are able to build as many subnets as  they want and because the network can  handle so many transactions per second  what we have is the ideal platform for  running a massive network of users for  gaming and in the near future for other  unique and crucial purposes avalanche is  already giving us a lot to be bullish  about and i plan to continue putting  more money into avax in the next year  it's 2022 and if you want a platform  that helps you get exposure to crypto  passively wealthfront is the platform  that i use they're an amazing robo  robo-advisor platform that allows you to  invest in both crypto trusts and etfs  and yeah wealthfront is trusted with  over 28 billion dollars in assets  helping nearly half a million people  build their wealth so far anyways i know  this is a top crypto picks video but the  fact is that you don't want to put all  of your money into crypto and you want  to also make sure that you stay  diversified overall welfare is the only  solution that offers a way to get  exposure to bitcoin and ethereum as part  of a diversified investment portfolio  that also offers automatic rebalancing  they're doing this through grayscale  bitcoin trust and greyscale ethereum  trust and beyond that they have hundreds  of other investment options to choose  from in whatever sectors you like  helping you build long-term wealth  through investing i remember being  intimidated by the risks of investing  crypto but really welfare can help  mitigate those risks through its  platform so essentially when you use  wealthfront they'll help you invest in  crypto without buying it directly so  that you can get into it with way less  hassle it's a beautiful app and their  software is designed by financial  experts to help you build long-term  wealth with investment options that have  been vetted by the research team so that  you can focus on your other priorities  today welfare is the most hands-off  investing experience i've ever used so  head over to charlie so  you can check investing off your new  year's resolutions in less than five  minutes you'll get a special bonus if  you go through my link in the  description and now back to the video  all right the next crypto we are talking  about is polka dot polkadot is an open  source proof-of-stake blockchain  platform that was founded by ethereum  co-founder dr gavin wood the platform  enables users to create their own custom  blockchains linking those chains  together to form a large network of  blockchains as sort of implied by its  name polka dot seeks to connect all  blockchains visualized as a bunch of  little dots in the entire defy ecosystem  the current price is  25.45 this is down about six percent in  the last day and we have a total market  cap of about 25 billion dollars in the  last 24 hours the trading volume is  about 2.8 billion dollars which is  actually up 67 here's the price chart  for the last day if we zoom out to the  last month um you can see that it's been  quite volatile uh one month ago we were  at about thirty dollars a coin it  dropped down to about twenty three  dollars a coin and then went all the way  back up to about thirty two dollars a  coin and since then it's really leveled  down to the current price but if you  zoom out to the one year chart um you  can see that we were at lows of about  nine dollars a coin one year ago it shot  up all the way to about fifty dollars  per coin dropped all the way back down  to about ten dollars a coin went back up  to about 50 again and it's back down  here so looking at the ratings we can  see that the symmetry score is a b um  and the token insight rating is bbb so  pogot's mission is simple it's to  provide interoperability and transfer of  data between other cryptos it helps to  accomplish this through its network of  pair chains which basically serve as  bridges that were all coordinated by a  central relay chain of the network and  within the last few months polka dots  highly exciting and valuable pair chains  were rolled out and are now live akala  moonbeam a-star parallel finance and  clover were added to the polka dot  network and the sixth pair chain was  recently won by infinity blocks are  currently being built today and this  update really goes to show how far polka  dot has already come and seeing its  vision come to fruition but what else  about the technological capabilities of  polkadot should we be concerned about as  we discussed previously with avalanche a  fantastic transaction speed will always  be key in deciding which networks will  lead to the future of blockchain  technology and polkadot is definitely  very fast its network can process 1000  transactions per second although  polkadot may not be the fastest in the  space its speed will still work  perfectly fine for its given utilities  and the use case of polkadot will more  than compensate and as time goes on  founder gavin wood even said that he  believed polkadot's network can reach  speeds of up to 1 million transactions  per second which definitely is a very  ambitious statement to make publicly  another important update for this  project is that recently dutch telecom  europe's biggest telecom company  purchased dot token as an investment in  the network the company has a subsidiary  called t systems that will participate  in validating the network as well this  is definitely great news for the network  as not just any company but one of the  largest and most important companies in  the world is hedging its bets onto and  then trusting its resources with the  polkadot network so not only is  polkadot's mission highly admirable but  the network's technological capabilities  are already among the best in the crypto  space many people speculate that polka  dot may serve as the backbone of web 3.0  the new generation of the internet based  solely on blockchain technology only  time will tell but to me there are  plenty of reasons to believe in polkadot  right now all right next up on our list  is bitcoin bitcoin is a decentralized  digital currency that was created by  satoshi nakamoto in 2009. of course we  all know and recognized that bitcoin was  the first major step towards  decentralized finance and blockchain  technology and yeah i definitely say  that bitcoin is one of the most  important technological innovations in  recent memory so here we have bitcoin  that's ranked number one that's no  surprise and the current bitcoin price  is forty one thousand nine hundred forty  four dollars which is down about 30 in  the last 24 hours we have an overall  market cap of 793 billion dollars and  the trading volume in the last 24 hours  is about 88 billion dollars which is up  156  here's the price chart in the last day  you can see some pretty um big price  decreases let's zoom out to the one  month chart you can see that it was  hovering around you know high 40s around  50 000 a coin and in the last week or so  it has really dropped down in price yeah  zooming out to the one year growth you  can see that we were at about forty  thousand dollars per bitcoin one year  ago went up to about sixty thousand  sixty three thousand um back in april  dropped all the way back down at the  middle of the year then went all the way  back up to a new high of about 68 000 in  november and since then it's just all  been downhill we have a market dominance  of 40 percent and of course market rank  is number one looking at the ratings we  have a symmetry score of a minus and the  token insight rating is a a we can see  that 57 of people that are holding uh  bitcoin right now are actually making  money at the current price um and 35  percent are losing money the  concentration by large holders is 12  56 of people have held for over a year  33 have held between 1 to 12 months and  11 have held under one month bitcoin is  dubbed by some as the digital equivalent  of gold and this is because the asset in  its network is designed so there is a  limited supply only 21 million tokens  can be mined from the network simple  economics tells us that scarcity drives  demand which drives value bitcoin will  only grow rare and rare by the day so it  wouldn't be unreasonable to expect its  value to keep rising and rising for a  long time that is as long as the demand  is there it's also insane to think that  the first major cryptocurrency ever  created back in 2009 is still more  popular than any of its contemporaries  in the crypto realm and while i think  that could change sometime down the road  the only network that's sincerely close  to surpassing bitcoin is ethereum and  right now it's clear that this value  isn't restricted to scarcity or rarity  when people think of cryptocurrency they  usually think of bitcoin first this  really is the project that set the  crypto space in motion and to have that  mark of pioneering an entire space worth  well over one trillion dollars is a true  testament and reasonable explanation for  its ridiculous value arc invest kathy  wood also explained that institutional  investors are only just starting to  click with this movement towards  decentralized finance and blockchain  technology now we should expect more and  more investors allocating larger and  larger sums of their massive pools of  wealth towards the crypto space and when  that money does pour in it definitely  will benefit the price of bitcoin it's  definitely difficult to truly innovate  bitcoin at this point in time and it's  also become very apparent that bitcoin's  contemporaries have so much more to  offer but the one thing that these  projects can never take away from  bitcoin itself is that bitcoin paved the  way for these other projects and  networks in the first place and that  sounds a little cheesy but bitcoin  basically walked so that these other  cryptos couldn't run this groundbreaking  digital currency has been surpassing  expectations and surprising the entire  world for the past decade and i believe  that i will continue to do so for the  foreseeable future all right number five  on our list is ethereum ethereum is a  decentralized open source smart  contracts blockchain platform conceived  and launched by vitalik buterin in 2013.  ethereum is known for its introduction  of smart contract functionality making  the project one of the most valuable and  pivotal players in the crypto space the  token native to ethereum is eth so right  now ethereum is ranked number two and  the current price for one eth is about  thirty two hundred dollars this is down  about six percent in the last day and we  have a total market cap of 383 billion  dollars the trading volume in the last  24 hours is down nine percent to 24  billion dollars and yeah if you take a  look at the price chart in the last day  you can see that it's mostly down um  let's zoom out to the three month chart  we were at a similar price three months  ago it went up really significantly to  almost five thousand dollars a coin and  it's back down to where it is right now  and then we zoom out to the one-year  chart we can see that you know overall  the growth has just been really  spectacular for ethereum about one year  ago we were trading at just around a  thousand dollars a coin it really really  shot up uh in may of 2021 to about four  thousand dollars dropped back down to  around under two thousand dollars a coin  really shot all the way up to an  all-time high of close to five thousand  dollars a coin and now we are seeing a  pretty significant correction looking at  the ratings we have a symmetry score of  b plus and a token inside rating of a we  also have some analysis for ethereum you  can see that 71 percent of people um are  making money at the current price and 22  of people are losing money the  concentration by large holders is 42 um  we can see that 58 have held over one  year 34 percent have held between 1 to  12 months and 8 have held under one  month so for years now ethereum has been  the digital leader and primary innovator  in the crypto space the network is  responsible for powering more than 3 000  decentralized applications anything from  nft marketplaces to d5 platforms have  relied on ethereum in one way or another  the project is a market leader in most  functionalities and i'm sure that many  of you guys are aware of the ubiquity of  eth so many things across the crypto  space require or recommend the ownership  and usage of eth and the thing is when  we take a look at the projects being  developed that are projected to surpass  ethereum in one way or another so many  of these projects were built on the  ethereum platform in the first place so  think polygon and chain link for example  and yeah we should definitely be excited  for ethereum 2.0 the network-wide update  that will completely transform ethereum  into something even better for starters  ethereum 2.0 is anticipated to be  ethereum's transition from a proof of  work model to a proof of stake model not  only will ethereum 2.0 be friendlier for  the environment but the network is  expected to be faster cheaper and more  scalable because it's now supported by  validators not miners ethereum also  continues to grow in popularity sitting  at a hefty market cap of nearly 400  billion dollars and is really the only  project right now that has a chance of  surpassing bitcoin and according to a  report from venture firm electric  capital ethereum had 300 new developers  joining each month i always think it's  bullish to see developers continue to  join and contribute to network and yeah  it's because developers join because  they find appeal and potential in the  network and in return the project takes  on more valuable members onto their team  that can contribute even greater updates  and innovations to the network last but  not least ethereum is special because it  has already cemented its role and  importance in the metaverse perhaps the  most highly anticipated and most  exciting trend or development in the  crypto space in fact many of the crypto  tokens used in the most popular virtual  world platforms like decentraland which  uses mana and sandbox which uses sand  are built on the ethereum blockchain  once again reflecting the level of  involvement and influence ethereum has  on the rest of the market so when it  comes to function utility and ubiquity i  think ethereum will be sitting in the  throne for a long time anyways those are  my five top cryptocurrencies to check  out at the start of 2022. if you want to  get some free stocks and some free  crypto i will put links down below and  if you guys do want to get started  investing with wealth front make sure to  use my link below to get your special  bonus as with all investing especially  investing in crypto i definitely  recommend doing your own due diligence  crypto is volatile it's even more  volatile than stocks and i really  encourage you guys to do at least one  hour of research per coin if you want to  invest your money this video should not  be considered financial advice it's  simply a summary of five  cryptocurrencies that i currently like  right now so yeah don't just buy blindly  because of this video anyways i really  hope you guys enjoyed the video if you  guys did make sure to hit that like  button and also  like for more  videos just like this i make a ton of  content about personal finance investing  and entrepreneurship thank you so much  for your time and i'll see you in the  next video peace  .