Over the last year a lot of people have  said oh making money with crypto and  then  then they took it a step further like  i'm earning six million percent returns  how about you and you're over here  sitting here earning half a percent per  year on your dirty fiat us dollars or  other fiat money  and you're  being just absolutely outpaced by  inflation and it's just it's like that  classic crypto meme everyone's getting  rich except for you  [Music]  but is that really true  and is there a new way to earn interest  with your crypto currencies  and even some peg stable coins that  absolutely obliterate traditional  centralized finance but at what cost at  what risk and how do you participate and  how can you earn these higher returns  well that's the point of today's video  nothing in this video's financial advice  whatever you choose to do is your  decision only i'm a dogeday look at my  cute little pup my daughter talesvox and  also the owner of the channel yeah i  work for my dog whatever okay  so quick thing to note before we jump  into this video is you need to know what  metamask is and have it set up  specifically you need to have it set up  to work with the phantom ftm blockchain  think of it as ethereum but better  that's it that's simple and if you don't  know i'll drop these links down the  video description below and get started  very easy  you got this okay so i'm going to assume  that you've done that now as we move  forward we're going to be focusing here  on hector previously hector dao hector  dot finance hector dao rebranded the  hector finance because to be honest dows  are getting a lot of negativity and  flack and also hector's got great taste  in car parts  what's up man i need you to hook me up  hey you said you need three of all this  stuff yeah three of everything  as well as crypto youtubers for making  today's video possible so  let's look at hector finance they just  launched their tour stable coin  which this is interesting farmers can  reap rewards of more than 30  annual percentage rate so annual returns  right  you're farming a stable coin for over 30  returns working similarly to terra usd  ust users can use dye or us d coin usdc  to mint tor  which in turn burns hector finance  tokens heck tokens  when tour grows so does heck here  growing heck ecosystem allows hector to  grow its treasury reserves and invest  into more yield bearing products that  allow for more tor rewards leading to  greater demand for torah and more growth  for heck  this creates a cyclical feedback loop  where both tokens support the growth of  one another i don't know if i can't  speak today or these words are just kind  of hard but they're just weird to say i  i don't know i feel like my mouth is  just like fumbling right  so  there's a lot of pushback on ohm forks  or things with down the name adele is a  decentralized autonomous organization  okay and dallas didn't used to mean  these whole treasury insane return rates  and everything else but that's what  they've become ever since olympus dow  and the ohm fork popularity olympus set  out to build a community-owned  decentralized financial infrastructure  to bring more stability and transparency  for the world  imagine a community owned bank and they  created their own hyper  inflation  yeah that that's that's a thing that  happened  so here's the hector ecosystem to how  it's similar but also how they  differentiate themselves so hector is a  rebasing token that means that their  supply chain is elastic that means the  token supply changes please don't make  sure you understand that  hector is going cross chain there's also  the hector bank hector nft non-fungible  tokens hector game hector launch hector  schwab hector university hector payne  but i'm just still looking for hector  who's setting up multiple spoon engines  and he's going to race wars  see that over there  that's mine it's my baby  so before we really start breaking down  hector dial let me hit you with a fat  disclaimer okay everyone involved with  this project is anonymous john  leonida elijah prometheus and we even  got zeus and poseidon who are going to  strike you down if you don't like this  project okay just understand that  there's no names attached there's no  faces all right there is no  accountability if they do something bad  do i think they would do that i hope not  but it has happened before not with them  specifically but in the crypto sector so  just just understand this is very  different than just buying bitcoin on  coinbase welcome to the deep end where  it's fun exciting and different so i'm  over here on spooky swap i already have  ftm loaded up in my wallet in metamask  and i click over to go to the phantom  chain phantom opera right and so  spooky swap is a decentralized exchange  we've talked about it before and it  functions like every other decentralized  exchange if you know how to use uniswap  you know how to use spooky swap  so let's say i want to put one phantom  one ftm into this i'll click swap i get  this super cool you know pixel artish uh  graphic coming up  cute cat and just like that  we just got some heck okay so we got  some heck  so we bought heck and now we go back  over to hector finance here's the  dashboard their tvd their total value  deposited right now is valued at 60  million dollars their market value of  treasury assets is 118 million dollars  how do these break down  a ton of dye  a ton of usdc and a very high amount of  the controversial now mim magical  internet money  all the other interesting tokens in that  list would be some wrapped phantom and  some fracks nothing else of note in that  treasury risk free value of treasury  assets so that is essentially stable  coins almost 100 million dollars  if their treasury has that that really  establishes just their war chest  what they  after their their financial capabilities  so here's the deal with heck  very high inflation rate right  and it's going up up up up up but then  making some changes  now  heck has transitioned  to becoming deflationary  their supply is  actually going down moving their runway  up to 1044  days 90 of the heck tokens are staked  protocol owned liquidity heck die  99.84  so here's one of the ways you can get  involved you can stake some heck tokens  so  with heck right now  apy this varies  235 percent this is where that 60  million tbd comes from current heck  index 7.81  in order to stake you just click max and  then you click stake you have to connect  your wallet you have to prove that they  can spend your heck tokens and then you  stake your heck tokens and what happens  here is basically if you can't trust  hector dow with your heck tokens and the  tokens worthless anyway  but just always be careful when you  approve tokens because  you know that is where exploits and  wallets can happen hector dao also has a  wrapping function hector dao also has a  bonding with their bonding they have a 4  4 and a 1 1 bond set up with all these  different liquidity provider pairings or  binding actual just single asset tokens  for example usdc  and die and so forth we can click over  to the farm and you're farming tor lp  liquidity provider token this has a tvo  of six million dollars and offers reward  right now again all these things vary of  40 percent  looking at torment right we've talked  about this tour token which is an  interesting play because obviously  there's just tour that already exists in  the world but they have a tour  circulating supply now of about 4.5  million dollars or 4.5 torr when it  comes to minting these you can mint  these tokens and then you can redeem if  i met with usdc for tour i'm burning my  usdc or really depositing it right and  then the tour tokens are being generated  and sent to me i can redeem the tour and  then the tour would be burned and then  the dye or usdc would be sent back to me  hector dao has launched hector bank if  you are familiar with compound finance  then this will become immediately  recognizable that is what's happening  here you can deposit you can supply  coins  and be rewarded for doing so the  interest rates are low though you can  also borrow you can borrow these tokens  at these which become negative interest  rates because instead of gaining three  percent annually by lending die you  would be losing six and a half percent  annually against your wealth or wrapped  aetherium borrow balance right now they  have a supply in here of five and a half  million dollars worth of tokens they  also have a bar balance of eight hundred  thousand dollars  at the time of recording this video heck  trades at twenty dollars per token and  they have a market cap which doesn't  make sense calculated here of 66 million  dollars on coin market cap doing two  million dollars in 24 hour volume that  coin market cap is tracking here pulling  up hector dow on ftm scam we can see  holders of  4190 addresses and over a million and a  half transfers of this token keep in  mind that most addresses will not be  holding heck because they're utilizing  it they're staking it it's a very high  return rates this isn't the token you  really just let's sit in your wallet  you're out there trying to  turn into a lot more coins oftentimes we  see with own forks and dowels and  anything that's even remotely similar  is that these tokens will have  you know huge interest rate returns  right  and normally the price kind of goes like  this  but if you're stacking up stacking up  stacking up stacking up more coins right  so what if the price went down 25  but you have 10 extra coin holdings you  know  do the math pretty easy math that means  that you've come out with approximately  a certain amount of additional dollars  or value even though the price per coin  has been going down the fact that their  team aims to maintain their deflation  trajectory their deflationary trajectory  as opposed to inflating though is  interesting because then  theoretically if demand stays the same  but the token continues deflating then  the value will rise  instead of going down there are very  interesting just economic principles  and and  techniques  here at play we watch modern finance  unfold right before our eyes  so with the revenues they generate from  this they want to buy a collection of  projects burn tokens soaking up the  excess tokens generated by hex annual  percentage yields create an indirect  profit sharing model where heck holders  can share the benefits of the entire  hector ecosystem through a rebasing  token that is not only sustainable in  submissions but also has a reducing  supply when it comes to these own forks  this is sort of like the dream but  having a cool idea that is supposed to  make money versus actually executing  that and these tokens appreciating  long-term and the team continues to  deliver are very  different things not trying to sound  negative i'm not a hater here but  honestly i am really curious to see what  the world's first deflationary rebase  token their tagline built on phantom can  really do are you going to become a  hectorian  i want to know down in the comments  below what are your thoughts on hector  dao are you burned out of ohm forks but  if it's  deflating versus inflating  it's pretty different  most of the burnout comes from the hyper  inflation that these own forks induce  so hey it's not an endorsement this is a  third party review but i do think this  is cool i do think this is interesting  and i'm excited to see where this goes  as always i hope you enjoyed this video  i hope you found it exciting if you did  smash like button hit thumbs up  we're uploading daily so see you  tomorrow thank you so much for watching  please be advised there are scammers  impersonating us on multiple platforms i  don't want your money i just want you to  smash that like button everything  in this video is for entertainment  purposes only that means it's not  financial advice