hey guys welcome  investing or trading in bitcoin or other  cryptocurrencies  can be a little intimidating at first  there is frequent news about  scams and people losing money while this  is true  and many scams have happened and  continue to happen it has never been so  simple to invest in and safely trade in  cryptocurrency  as it is today the foremost concern when  trading in purchasing bitcoin  or other cryptocurrencies is safety and  security whether you  intend to purchase and hold long term  want to trade frequently  are interested in staying private or  anonymous  or simply want the ease of use the  following exchanges are the best for any  use you may have  today's list covers the best trades for  certain types of traders  and the best deals within every kind of  exchange  there are several ways to go about  investing in bitcoin  or other cryptocurrencies here are the  five  best cryptocurrency trading platforms so  without any further ado  let's dive in and start trading  number five etoro etoro is one of our  top choices for trading the most popular  cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin  ethereum and litcoin etoro is one of the  biggest crypto exchanges globally  with over 18 million users worldwide  and over 20 million crypto transactions  executed on the etoro platform etoro is  supported by over 140 different  countries  and is one of the most secure crypto  trading platforms  in existence although etoro doesn't  offer as many foreign assets to trade as  some of their competitors  they offer the 14 most popular  cryptocurrencies  here is a list of the crypto coins  available on etoro  bitcoin ethereum ethereum classic  litcoin cardano  utoro offers a web-based trading  platform  as well as a mobile app the e-tool  platform is straightforward to use even  for beginners  here are some of the features we like  most with etoro  after opening an account you'll get a  hundred thousand dollars in virtual  money  to practice trading with you can use  this demo account to experiment with  trading strategies  or to get a feel for the platform itself  when you open an account with etoro  you'll be joining one of the largest  communities of traders  you can discuss ideas share trading  decisions  and talk strategy with other traders on  the etoro platform  this feature allows you to replicate  other traders actions  in real time this means that you can  follow  other successful traders on etoro and  copy their trades to piggyback off their  success  that's pretty awesome number four  blockfi  blocked buy is quickly becoming the  go-to choice for cryptocurrency  investors  with block five you can earn up to eight  point  six percent interest on your holdings  you can borrow cash  and buy or sell crypto block fi  has no hidden fees and no minimum  balances  unlike other cryptocurrency exchanges  blockfy  offers interest earning accounts that  allow you to earn  money on all crypto you hold on their  platform  this means that once the trade is  executed your new crypto asset  will start earning interest the very  next day  no other crypto exchange allows you to  earn  money on your deposits in the same way  that block  buy does interest on your crypto  holdings is paid out at the beginning of  each month  and the interest is compounding this  allows you to make  more money from the same investment than  any other  cryptocurrency exchanges the annual  percentage yield that you will earn  will vary from 3 to 8.6  depending on the digital currency  another striking feature of block buy  is that it lets you borrow against your  coins  rather than selling them when you need  funds you can take out loans in u.s  dollars a feature that helps you avoid  selling in a down market  blocked by crypto loans can get funded  the same day you apply  and there are no prepayment penalties or  fees  interest rates on their crypto loans are  as low as 4.6  apr number three finance  finance is the world's largest crypto  exchange  and is a top choice for buying and  selling altcoins  binance has a whopping 1 million  400 000 transactions per  second and over 2 billion in average  daily volume chiang pinzao and yihi  launched the binance cryptocurrency  exchange  one of the best exchanges today in china  in 2017. it only charges clients  0.1 on each trade  and while deposits are free withdrawals  cost money  however if you use the binance owned  digital currency  bnb you get a 50  discount one of the primary reasons for  binance's popularity  is the wide range of cryptocurrencies it  has to offer  which stands at more than 100 these  include notable coins such as  ethereum litcoin and the lesser-known  zcoin the binance crypto exchange  is the most appropriate for individuals  who want to trade  or invest in the best crypto altcoins  since it has the highest altcoin trading  volumes  and you can get your dogecoin here  number two prime xbt  tivoli young seychelles based prime  xbt cryptocurrency exchange  has achieved exponential growth since  its 2018 launch  with clients from 150 different nations  making it an appealing target for any  new investor  it features several trading pairs and  lower transaction fees  than most the company's vision is to  provide its users with the fundamental  tools  they need for regular trading activities  including buying bitcoin and utilizing  margin trading  prime xbt charges a point  zero one percent b for forex  and commodities as well as a point zero  five  percent for crypto prime xbt  offers a fantastic platform stacked with  essential trade tools to help both  novice traders and experts exchanged the  best crypto  it has a straightforward onboarding  process  with a hundred percent anonymity and no  significant  personal details you can register with  your email  set up a password and accept the terms  the ability to margin trade  cryptocurrencies and traditional assets  sets it apart from any other platform  number one  coinbase coinbase is the most well-known  and well utilized digital currency  exchange  in the united states coinbase is very  easy to use  which has helped it to become one of the  world's biggest  crypto broker exchanges especially for  bitcoin  coinbase charges a base of four percent  for all  transactions its trading platform gdax  incurs a point five percent taker fee  contingent upon trading volume over a  30-day  time frame coinbase is a wholly  authorized  crypto exchange with licenses to work in  more than 40 u.s  states people have traded more than 50  billion  in crypto on the coinbase exchange since  its establishment  coinbase offers a very simple to use  interface  reducing any obstacles that may get in  the way for digital money ventures  that are already complicated enough what  makes coinbase unique  is that in comparison to conventional  exchanges  it lets you purchase crypto using  traditional currency  coinbase also offers the option of  insured  custodial wallets for investors in order  to ensure  security coinbase's free coinbase pro  version has an alternate and less  expensive trading fee  structure as well as more choices for  trading graphs  and indicators coinbase pro is ideal for  individuals  who have achieved veteran status while  trading with coinbase  as it provides advanced features to the  investor  so this is the end of the video top five  best cryptocurrency trading platforms in   2022 we hope you really enjoyed it  thanks for tuning in but before you go  leave us a comment  and let us know what is your favorite  cryptocurrency trading platform  and don't forget subscribe like and  share the video  and hit the bell icon to check out our  interesting videos  made just for you