What is a Crypto Market Cap?

What is a Crypto Market Cap?


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Cryptocurrency market capitalization is  a useful metric to learn the monetary  value of cryptocurrency a coins market  cap is calculated by multiplying the  total circulating supply of the coin by  its price let's look at a quick example  if we published a block Geeks coin and  there were 300,000 of them worth $2 each  the block Geeks coin would have a market  cap of $600,000 but now we're bored of  this coin and we release block geeks  coin - there are only 50,000 of these  coins but they're worth $4 each for a  total market cap of $200,000 therefore  even though block geeks coin two is  worth twice as much as the original  block geeks coin it's market cap is  lower this illustrates by market cap is  a better way to gauge the influence and  growth of a coin than price alone if I  have one coin worth 1 million dollars  that doesn't leave much room for growth  nor does it have much utility as a  currency but a large community trading  and interacting with 500 million coins  worth one cent each has the groundwork  for something special  even if my 1 million dollar coin is  worth more individually the network of  the lower-priced coin is more valuable  one of the key takeaways here is the  risk vs. reward factor typically large  market cap assets have less room to grow  than low market cap ones  similarly the large market cap assets  will fall less than small ones in other  words volatility can often be tied to  the size of an assets market cap most  times you stand to gain more by  investing in a small cap asset but you  also stand to lose more this is where  the well talked about concept of  diversification comes from a share of  money can be placed into larger caps  less volatile assets while a share of  riskier money can be put towards small  cap volatile assets this allows for the  possibility of gaining from some of the  explosive growth that small cap assets  can be prone to while sheltering a  portion of your investment in the less  volatile large cap assets but market cap  doesn't quite tell the story even if it  can be Illustrated one big problem with  market cap and cryptocurrency is that  many coins can be locked away  effectively out of use entirely we can  look at a real world example of this in  the number 1 cryptocurrency Bitcoin  according to Fortune anywhere from 17 to  23 percent of bitcoins may already be  lost forever if you're looking to learn  more we have a link to the article in  the description so you can see how this  would adversely affect the reliability  of a coins market cap an asset could  look like it's a safe large cap asset  when  in reality much of that cap is locked  away or lost forever this is why it's  important to always do your own research  and to never base investments on raw  numbers presented to you so now you know  what market cap is how it can be useful  and how it can be misleading finding  well researched sourced and reliable  information is the most important factor  in deciding what to do with your money  always make the most informed decision  possible for yourself   

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